10 foods to avoid in keto diet  

Fitness   HD Medical Team  on Mon, Jan 06 2020 09:49 PM 2366 Views 0 Comments No recommendations yet !!!

Keto diet is a common thing heard nowadays among large number of people for being fit and slim. It's basically a low carbohydrate and high fat diet. Which  means instead of carbohydrate you give your body fats which puts your body in “ketosis" which is a fat burning process by directly utilizing fat instead of utilizing glucose for energy.

Image source: Nutritionfacts.org

What are the benifits of keto diet?

It has wide range of benefits for maintaining weight and hence BMI which instead prevents from many non communicable diseases.

Weight loss

According to researches, there is 2.2 times faster weight loss in people following keto diet than in people who don’t.

Keep the stomach full for longer

Most of the daily calorie intake 70-80% is from fat. 5-10% is from carbohydrate and 10-20% is from protein.

Best for  pre diabetes and type 2 diabetes

If you are one of the population with these disorders consult about the meal plan and follow it.it is tremendously helpful to maintain your blood sugar. Monitor your blood sugar regularly for best results

Reduces appetite

It is believed that ketones  reduce hunger hormones .Hence satiety is reached quickly

Keto diet needs a proper planning for best results but there are foods to avoid in keto diets.

What are the foods you need to avoid in keto diet?

All you know that you need to destroy fat to keto form keto diet by eating low carbohydrate diet. So you should eat low carb vegetables, cheese, meats and poultries, avocados, coconut oil, eggs and so on.

Image source: Dietdoctor.com

Here are the list of 10 foods you should avoid while you are on keto diet:

  1. Rice, wheat, maida, corn: These are basic staple diet of household all over the world. Any form of grain with high carb content needs to be out of your kitchen shelf.
  2. Fruits like oranges, bananas, pineapples are to be avoided due to high sugar.  
  3. Unhealthy fats
  4. Alcohol
  5. Potatochips and junk foods
  6. Noodles and chowmein and other junks
  7. Oatmeal
  8. Sweet beverages (cocacola and all its  sister products)
  9. Milk tea and creamed coffee
  10. Vegetables like potatoes and peas

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