
Food allergy is on the rise, and someone with food allergy can present to a skin specialist, physician, child specialist and sometimes even a surgeon. Urbanization, environmental pollution, promoting caesarian delivery, changing food habits, etc. contribute to sharp rise in...
Read moreHumans are enthralled by the concept of beauty. And in our pursuit of vanity, mankind has many a times, rebuked any contrary to the norm. Be it leprosy, syphilis or tuberculosis, diseases have been loathed and ostracized ruthlessly since primeval times. How could vitiligo...
Read moreउमेर बढ्दै जाँदा शरीरमा त्यसको असर देखिँदै जानु प्रकृतिको अपरिहार्य नियति हो । तथापि सधैँ युवावस्थामै रहिरहन चाहन्छन् मानिस । त्यसैले बूढो हुने प्रक्रियालाई बुझ्नु आवश्यक छ । यहाँ उमेर बढेपछि छाला चाउरी पर्नुका कारण, लक्षण र रोकथामका उपायबारे चर्चा गरिएको छ । कारण : छाला...
Read moreRespectful Life of Mental patients: My dream Dr. Dhana Ratna Shakya, MD-Psych, MBBS; Professor / Consultant psychiatrist Department of Psychiatry, BPKIHS, NEPAL Email: [email protected] Dear John, I got an opportunity to directly observe the mental...
Read moreAbstract: Background: Hepatobiliary diseases account for significant proportion of admission in our intensive care unit, a semi-closed, 11 bedded mixed medical-surgical unit. This study was conducted to study the profile of patients with various hepatobiliary diseases...
Read moreCommon cold is the acute upper respiratory tract infection i.e. nose and throat caused mainly by different viruses. Causes: Many types of virus are the culprit of the common cold. Common viruses are; - Rhinovirus - commonest - ...
Read moreBenefits of Dry Fruits:- Dry fruits are one of the best and healthiest fruit with lots of nutritions. Dry fruits are prepared by extracting water either by sun drying or by dehydrators. They are good source of proteins, vitamins, minerals and fibres. Furthermore, dry...
Read moreHeart attack known as Acute Coronary Syndrome / Myocardial Infarction is one of the leading causes of death. Though chest pain is the most common symptoms of heart attack, most of the patients don’t recognize the symptoms of heart attack and just mistake these as...
Read moreHeart attack, cancer and stroke are the three top most common causes of death worldwide. Every year, about 12 million people die of a heart attack or a stroke. At least 75 per cent of deaths from heart disease and stroke now occur in the poorer regions of the world. The risk...
Read moreLower back pain is one of the most common disorders encountered throughout the world. The pain is associated with reduction in quality of life sometimes leading to major depressive illnesses.Treatment of low back pain is simple. You just need to understand the cause. More...
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