Asked by Sur3s / Rough_Vhai

on 26/1/19

Hello, Doc. I had a strech marks on my both inner thai and its been a 4 years now the strech marks has turn into white and little bit red. Its look like so akward . What should i have to do ??? It is possible to remove it ???

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प्रश्नको लागि धन्यवाद । त्यस्ता स्ट्रेच मार्क हरु लेजर प्रविधिले हटाउन सकिन्छ । एकपटक छालारोग विशेषज्ञसंग भेटेर सल्लाह लिनुहोला । हाम्रोडक्टर मार्फत छालारोग विशेषज्ञसंग अनलाइन परामर्श गर्नको लागि यो लिन्कमा जानुहोला: .

Answered on 29/1/19

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