Asked by Anonymous User ,27 years
on 21/7/18
I'm a 22 year old female l. I've recently diagnosed with condyloma vulva STD. However my partner doesn't have it How did i contracted it?
Asked by Anonymous User ,27 years
on 21/7/18
I'm a 22 year old female l. I've recently diagnosed with condyloma vulva STD. However my partner doesn't have it How did i contracted it?
Men can harbor the organism, witht actual symptoms. This is called "carrier" state. They can transmit the disease thru HPV viruses. Condyloma is an STI. You can get treated by dermatovenereologists.
Thank you for the question. Generally it is transmitted by sexual contact with the infected partner. The causative agent for it is Human Papilloma Virus. For the prevention to spread to others use protective barrier methods like condom during the sexual intercourse. There are some ointments and if not relived surgical treatment is needed. Please consult with skin and venerologist for the further opinion!
Asked by Reeya Pokharel ,26 years
2 hours, 4 minutes ago
Asked by sudib sulu ,26 years
5 days, 17 hours ago